
Since it was not a singular residential project but a separate category of homes; we identified the need to introduce it as an independent entity and came up with a simple yet pleasant name, ‘Happynest’. The communication was aimed at the mid segment of the social strata. It was supposed to take the prospective buyers into confidence and tell them that ‘Happynest’ would make their dream of owning a home come true. Since ‘Happynest’ was introduced as an edition of ‘value for money’ homes’ it boosted their self- esteem. This was because it was introduced as a ‘Value for money’ home –an attribute that’s certainly much more than just a budget home!

  • TV Commercials
  • Promotional Campaigns
  • Environmental branding
  • Outdoor Advertising
  • Brochure
Series of impactful TVCs

These advertisements gently yet convincingly dispelled all anxieties of the prospective buyers and told them that their dream of a home can be easily realised with Happynest. This was done through a powerful combination of a poignant appeal and hard facts like the price factor.

Our entire planning from conceptualising the whole process- creating the brand language, choosing the celebrities etc. was well executed. The TVC is already hitting the market and can be seen on all the major Marathi channels.

Creating brand ‘Happynest’- a success story that made everybody happy!

‘Happynest' - the brand new edition of affordable, ‘no compromise’ homes proved to be an exciting endeavour from start to end. The press ads were created keeping the TG- the mid segment of the social strata in mind-the people for whom owning a home is like a dream, featuring the well-known celebrities-Amruta Subhash and Prasad Oak. The copy was engrossing and the visuals, appealing.

Happynest Brand Campaign
Happynest Brand Campaign
Happynest Brand Campaign
Happynest Brand Campaign
Happynest Brand Campaign
Happynest Brand Campaign
Happynest Branding
Happynest Branding
Happynest Branding
Happynest Branding
Namrata Director
They helped us make Happynest a huge success!

Right from conceiving the name to creating the campaigns and TVCs; 3 Dots Design thoroughly understood the concept behind these pocket-friendly, no compromise homes and delivered accordingly. We are really glad about the results it fetched us!

Raj Shah Director, Namrata Group
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