Healthcare advertising -the recently emerged arena- needs to be comprehended with all its complexities.
- “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” granny used to tell us with a grin…and we all used to finish the apple hastily (and carrots, and cucumbers and what not) lest we should fall ill. So, we went to the doctor only when in dire need, whenever the apple lost its magic to make the doctor disappear. But times change, making way for new perspectives. So, today, we don’t fight shy of approaching a doctor…be it for regular check -ups, a seasonal viral infection or god forbid, an emergency. But all said and done, the fact remains that we don’t think of a doctor or a hospital as frequently as we do about a grocery store, a mall, a restaurant or even a multiplex.
- Here comes the first challenge in healthcare branding. We don’t think of a doctor or a hospital until the need arises and we are compelled to take aid of a healthcare service.
- The next challenge lies in using a toned down, matter of fact yet convincing appeal. If a healthcare service exaggerates and goes overboard; it could make the readers suspicious about the genuineness of purpose of the brand. Hence, all healthcare branding has to maintain a serious (not to be mistaken with grave) tone.
- Lack of a well-defined TG: Healthcare branding does not have a specific target group. It comprises of almost anyone and everyone. This makes addressing the TG a tough task. Nevertheless, the nature of a healthcare service can play an important role in defining the TG. For example, a high end multispecialty hospital with ultra luxurious rooms and offerings, can address t the elite since it’s meant for them.
- Defining the USPs: A healthcare brand has to identify its specialisation, whether it’s the advanced technology, experience, patient care etc.
- Finding the positioning line: It’s crucial to define the brand personality before zeroing in on the positioning line. It’s a challenging task in itself as it comes with the responsibility to maintain the identity a healthcare brand may claim to have.
Once all these challenges are handled well, your healthcare branding will be in the pink of health forever!