The ‘copious’ women of advertising
She dares to dramatise. She is rebellious. She is reckless. She doesn’t fight shy of being subtle. She hits the bull’s eye. Her word has the power to make a world of difference. She is a copywriter, and quite passionate about her work. True, that in the long run, she would like to be free of her gender. Actually, in the long run, she would be happy to be treated as a person, equal in all respects with her male colleague and counterpart. But then, there is no denying the fact that being a woman copywriter has its share of advantages.
She has to define her own space through the stringent paradigms of the patriarchal world. (Well, there’s no harm in calling a spade not a butcher’s knife, but a spade) So, she is used to thinking laterally, devising the ways about it.
Her power of imagination is vast, without limits. She is great at communicating ideas.
Her world of experience is enviously enriched. This, as she juggles with her career and household duties at once.
Women copywriters who have done us proud!
Aggression all writ in her name, Tiger Savage has a lion’s share in making modern day advertising what it is today. She has worked for blue chip bigwigs like B.T., Nike and Virgin. Later, she moved to Bartle Bogle Hegarty. There, she bagged a number of awards for her work on Coca-Cola, Levis and Unilever. Her ‘Lynx Effect’ –the Axe Effect in the U. S. Is one of the most celebrated works in modern advertising.
Back home, we have Gauri Shinde and more…
She has worked for ad agencies like IBW, Bates Clarion and Lowe Lintas. She has created over 100 advertising and short films. Her short film ‘Oh Man’ (2001) had the honour of being showcased at the Berlin Film Festival. Her creativity took her beyond the world of advertising. Come 2012, and she evolved into a director with her debut film English- Vinglish a tribute to her mother. Making waves through her ideas and imagination, Gauri Shinde is a spirited writer and a powerhouse of ideas.
More and more women writers are opting for copywriting by the day. Writing dextrously in all the languages. Regional, national and global. Their amazing ideas would change the shape of things to come!