Just a few years back, the idea of using digital marketing for real estate properties was non-existent. At that time, there were no Digital Marketing Agencies, Social Media Marketing Agencies, Branding Agencies or even Advertising Agencies that handled digital marketing tasks for their clients as one can see today. Print ads, TV commercials, radio jingles, radio spots, hoardings, direct mailers et al. were enough to attract home buyers to a particular property in no time whatsoever. However, with the advent of 360 degree advertising initiatives that inevitably include the domains of social media marketing and the likes with them; the picture has changed quite rapidly in massive strides and in little time to boot! In addition to this is the fact that the unprecedented boom in the real estate world is making it almost mandatory for one to be seen across all of the social media channels, all of the time.
What are the key advantages of Digital Marketing?
Cost-effective: Digital marketing is a whole lot more cost-effective when compared with traditional marketing.
Wider reach: Digital marketing optimizes your reach to a point wherein you can even influence a select specific target group of your liking in exactly the way you want it done.
The best brand-booster: Your presence across multiple social media platforms reflects favourably on your brand thus making all of your prospective clientele perceive you as cool, trendy and happening.
So, how does one go about launching their Digital Marketing initiatives?
Website creation: For a start, having your own website really helps. A website shouts out loud that you are genuine, confident and that your projects are worth showcasing. You can either showcase your projects through a virtual office or through a virtual market with various marketing options and opportunities for your prospective buyers to choose from. A flat design facilitates faster loading. It also makes it exceptionally easy to gauge the exact number of people visiting your page. One can also get to know the exact number of enquiries that they are receiving on a daily basis here in virtually no time whatsoever!
Blog postings: Posting interesting blogs with engaging, user-friendly content goes a long way in helping you fetch quality leads and repeated business
Video content: Good quality video uploads on major social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter or video sites such as YouTube will help enrich your brand with constant customer engagement. These will also bring in greater client responses through the virtue of continuous exposure to one’s audiences.
Using diverse advertising platforms: Popular platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram et al. are ideal for creating more exposure for your brand. All good branding agencies are known to have an in-depth knowhow of digital marketing techniques, online marketing strategies and tried and tested brand-building techniques. 3 Dots Design is one such advertising agency based out of Pune that can truly give your brand the name and fame it deserves!
Ready to hop onboard the Digital Marketing bandwagon?
Schedule an appointment with us today and we’ll help you get started right away!