Even as we venture forth into a new millennium of technology and progress, one of the most fundamental debates still rages on in the world of communication. And the dilemma we are talking about is electronic media or print media – which is more effective?
If only the answer were so simple! While print media has been in existence since centuries, digital media has definitely made an impact with its convenience, flexibility and reach. Every form of media has its benefits and this article will give you a better idea about the pros of digital media as well as print!
Let’s look at the advantages of digital media first. This is a blog you’re reading after all!
Thanks to internet and smart devices, digital media can be accessed anywhere. This increases the reach of your target audience. Promoting your brand across continents has become far more effortless and cost-effective.
Thanks to the social media, brands can now effectively interact and engage with their consumers. This has created a revolution in the way organisations communicate with their audiences, and has resulted in a better understanding of buyer behaviour.
24×7 Availability:
Since digital media is available at your fingertips and exists on platforms that don’t suffer from any downtime, the ‘open-round-the-clock’ nature of electronic media is definitely one of its biggest assets.
Now let’s see what the traditional print media has to offer.
Despite the impact that digital media has created, research often shows that print media enjoys greater credibility. Excessive data at times can be misleading and readers believe that there is a lot of misinformation present on the web. On the other hand, consumers view print media as more believable and trustworthy.
Greater Recall:
Viewers often display an extremely low attention span on the web, but reading a newspaper or a magazine is still subconsciously seen as a thoughtful activity which requires patience. People surfing the web may behave notoriously impatient but print ads by their nature inspire a more leisurely approach. Thus, print ads still have a higher recall.
Targeted reach:
Print advertising collaterals such as flyers, brochures and even leaflets have shown great effectiveness in niche and small areas. Print media also benefits from not being a form of “interruption marketing,” like television commercials or banner ads. This makes it easier for consumers to digest and process information.
So the question arises – which should you prefer more? But this time the answer is quite simple actually… Why not both! That’s right. A combined digital & mainline strategy has proven effective for brands hailing from different sectors. Utilising the benefits of both and getting the best of both the worlds is something that 3 Dots Design specialises in. As one of the leading advertising agencies in Pune, our hybrid approach has helped hospitals, real estate brands and retail enterprises achieve their goals through effective print as well as digital communication. So connect with us to take brand communication to the next level!