There was a time when memes were a sensation and the whole world was hooked on them. Everyone was creating one with the silly ‘Bitch Please’ face, the Sean Bean’s LOTR ‘One doesn’t simply…’ meme, and all the others that were like blockbuster hits in their own dimension. Today, they are more than just memes. Their purpose has gone beyond just entertaining the audience in their free time. Today, they have become powerful tools for marketing and they will remain to be in power for quite a long time. When we talk about memes, it is generally assumed that any school kid or even a dropout can do it, but when it comes to Meme Marketing, there’s a lot of thought that goes behind even coming up with a fresh new meme. This article elaborates on how memes do require creative minds to generate tremendous response and impact.
From the ‘Start to Saturation’
When the internet culture was booming, memes had already hit the saturation point, but something happened (like in The Matrix where Neo resurrected after being killed by Agent Smith) and memes were back in the game. Though linguists and historians argue that memes didn’t begin with the internet, they were used way before even the internet was invented. Today, they are widely used as conduits to either trigger cultural conversations on a broader perspective or to stay relevant in the industry.
Many national and international brands have used memes to promote their products/services. Myntra, Amazon, Mobikwik, Netflix… you name a brand and they have done it already. So, what’s new about it anyway? Brands today are obsessed with creating viral content and catching up with the latest trends. Of course, no brands are using outdated memes. They are creating new ones based on a movie/web-series scene that’s “Meme-worthy”. Who decides what’s meme-worthy? That’s where the creative brains come in.
Everybody is an expert
To date, nobody has acquired any special skill sets when it comes to learning how to create memes. It comes naturally. When you look at something and it holds your attention, it instantly becomes meme-worthy. India has the highest youth percentage of approximately 34% in the world and this is the reason why memes, in this digital age, seem to be hitting the right notes with pop cultural references, diverse, crisp, engaging, and entertaining content – also, fun at the same time.
A recent study suggests that 84% of the millennial generation is influenced by user-generated content that they see on their social media platforms, websites and company or brand pages.
Memers – Their job is not a joke
Creating memes is considered a good leisure-time activity, just as our ancestors considered poetry, painting and stand-up comedy, which today, have become flourishing alternative careers. Memers are taking their jobs seriously because there is no job security in this line of work. It’s not just memers – any job in the social media realm, be it vloggers or influencers is haunted by this thought of uncertainty. They need to have other skills to adapt to such circumstances. Many companies are recruiting creative minds to create content that’s long-term, cohort-based and sarcasm-laced. Not all memers are full-time employees. Most of them are hired as freelancers or on a contractual basis. What about the money? A memer can earn around INR 7000 per month to INR 4 Lakh per year based on their experience and content quality. These numbers may vary from one company to another depending on their need for ‘meme’ content requirement.
At 3 Dots Design Pvt. Ltd., it is our duty to keep an eye on the latest trends and stay relevant to the industry by crafting communications that resonate with the very ideology. Being one of the best ad agencies in Pune, we are equipped with a robust team of experienced content writers, designers, creative strategists and digital experts who ensure that every job that goes out, catches the attention of the audience and our clients. If you wish to know more about who we are or what we do, please visit or get in touch with us at [email protected]