Creating a CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) advertisement has become the new hack to go viral. Some of these faux OOH (Out of Home Advertising) ads have truly made headlines. For instance, the mammoth sized Barbie stepping out of the box by the iconic Bhurj Khalifa and the brilliant ad by L’Oreal showcasing an oversized lipstick painting the town red, proving its long lasting effect. These genius advertising tactics have certainly won hearts all over the world.
Here’s how these CGI ads can have a rippling effect of success for your brand.
- Possible is everything: Creative freedom
CGI ads are a unique tool that help brands promote their products in the most visually aesthetic manner. Brands have more creative freedom to make ads that would be otherwise challenging to curate with traditional methods. They can do more with less and explore endless opportunities in making the impossible come true. For instance, showcasing a polar bear in the middle of the road on a hot summer day. These spectacular visuals convey the messages beautifully at the most innovative locations.
The CGI commercials can be reused or repurposed as required with consistent branding styles. Additionally, they are also quite self-explanatory and can be communicated clearly.
- Make heads turn: Better engagement
It is certainly a pleasure to see people react to the larger-than-life CGI ads. The impressive visuals often leave people awestruck. These creative ads give a gratifying experience to the viewers. Additionally, the campaigns are instrumental in effective storytelling of the product or service. These experiential ads provide a detailed look & feel of the product before people can make a purchase.
Such interactive experiences lead to better engagement. The personalized and customisable ads incite curiosity and strike an interest among the audience. This is also a brilliant way to gain visibility,and gives an opportunity to position the product or service in a unique manner.
- Less is more: Cost effective in the long run
Despite the heavy cost incurred to purchase the required software. Opting for CGI ads will be a sound financial investment for the future. This method of advertising is more affordable in comparison to traditional photography or videography options. CGI advertising will help save on props, hiring crew, their travelling and equipment expenses and saves time in finding the perfect location.
This medium of virtual reality is like a dream come true for brands as they have immense freedom to showcase their product anywhere. The customer-product engagement is much higher in this form of advertising and it’s cost effective. So, less is more.
At 3 Dots Design, we are always on the look for new trends emerging in the advertising milieu. We incorporate the ones that help convey the message in the most creative way. This way brands are able to establish their unique identity in the market.